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About Cowgill Cousins

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DNA Project

It is a fact that male Y-chromosome DNA gets passed intact from father to son for generations, decades, even centuries. By counting “markers” on various sites on an individual’s Y-chromosome DNA, the unique pattern and individual differences for each family group is determined. Testing can be ordered for 25 markers, 37 … 67. The more markers in a test the more refined is the resulting DNA signature (or haplotype) for use in comparing individuals. To date 15 men have been tested in the Cowgill DNA project. Seven US Cowgills that have a DNA match, three UK Cowgills that have a match, two Cougle/Cougill that have several mutations and three men with another surname, two of whom have a Cowgill match (this can be attributed to adoption or a non-paternity event) and one that does not.  More volunteers would help expand the program and gather more data points. If you are a Cowgill man and are willing to participate or just would like more information, please contact our DNA Project Administrator. Help is especially needed from individuals in the questionable lines mentioned above (e.g., Choguill).


If you would like to submit a query about Cowgills, send to our Query Editor (see Contacts) for posting. Please include your name and email address. Queries will be posted here.

Join Cowgill Cousins

If you would like to join Cowgill Cousins, please contact our Membership Coordinator. Dues are $10 per year per family and include a subscription to our newsletter and help support this site and its research.

The 2019 Cowgill Cousins Reunion

The next Cowgill Cousins Reunion is scheduled for 20 - 23 June 2019 in Columbus, OH.The venue: Embassy Suites Columbus Airport, 2886 Airport Drive. To RSVP call 1-800-EMBASSY (362-2779) Ask for Cowgill Family Reunion room block or group code "CFR" to get the discounted rate..

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